Bee Friends


Many species of trees depend on bees’ pollination for enlarge their distribution on the territory. Is estimated in countries with tropical weather, 75% crops are benefited thanks to the pollination offered by bees.

Likewise, those trees offered a perfect home for bees to protect them from high temperatures.

To preserve the life relationship bee-tree, we decided to contribute at the project “Bee friends”.

We donate 5% of the sale of each one of our products.

These trees will serve as a home for hundreds of bees.

We planted 500 trees in 5 farms in Colombia during 2021.

They will also permit the owners of the farms to practice beekeeping.


From August 2020 to May 2021, 500 trees were planted in 5 farms in the department of Cundinamarca and Meta.

Buena Isla Farm

Nemocón – Cundinamarca 

It is a farm dedicated to the cattle sector with 80 hectares.

Zamá Farm

Mesitas del Colegio

Is a coffee farm with 1 hectare of land.

El Futuro Farm

Nemocón – Cundinamarca 

Eucalyptus’ farm with 1 hectare.

Villa María Farm

Puerto Rico – Meta 

Dedicated to cattle raising with 80 hectares

El Caimito Farm

Quetame – Cundinamarca 

Is an integral farm with 2 hectares

ElideBio and New Ecolology working together to give back to Mother Nature part of what she has given us.